can not create pull request for german translations

Issue #326 resolved
jkarstedt created an issue

Might not have the required permissions ?

Comments (2)

  1. Marius Stanciu


    Other people are doing it so there must be a way.

    Not doing it on command line, one way to do it is like this:

    1. Go to:
    2. In the top left (blue section) side there is big '+' sign. Click it
    3. The last option is Fork Repository.
    4. Once the process is finished, make your changes on the Beta branch (either using PyCharm or the git command)
    5. Go to your forked (and now updated) FlatCAM repo and click the Branches link in the left menu. On the line of Beta, far right there are three dots.
    6. Click on them, click Compare.
    7. Click Change destination. Select jpcgt/flatcam repository
    8. Click again the Change destination. This time select the Beta branch fro the right combobox.
    9. Upper right there is a Create Pull Request button. Click it.


    1. In your repository, there is a '+' sign in the left, blue side of the screen. Click it
    2. Select option: Create Pull request
    3. Make sure that you worked on the Beta branch (source, to the left) and that you are trying to make a pull request for the Beta branch (to the right).

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