Can't use paint tool on FlatCAM 8.98 BETA on Windows

Issue #333 resolved
Alberto created an issue

Hello. I can't use paint tool on FlatCAM 8.98 BETA on Windows.

I get this error:

Create Paint geometry ...
[ERROR] Could not do Paint. Try a different combination of parameters. Or a different method of Paint
clear_polygon3() missing 1 required positional argument: 'steps_per_circle'

Comments (5)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Hi Alberto,

    Are you running the app from sources or installed with the installer?
    Can you please post what are the steps and settings in the Paint Tool that allow to reproduce this issue?

    If you delete all the files that store the preferences and then reboot the application, is the problem fixed? The preferences files are stored in the folder:


  2. Marius Stanciu

    🙂 Ok, I see the error now. You were talking about the Editor Paint Tool.
    It is very good that you reported this issue even if you have a solution that works for you, because it will make the app overall better. Thanks.

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