Some options are not being used on the next step.

Issue #336 resolved
Alberto created an issue

Hello. I’m using 8.98 x64 version on Windows 10. Installed with the installer.

I got this settings.

But then I try to make a CNC from a geometry and I get this default settings, ignoring the saved preference:

I correct it to 0,04 and I click Generate and I get the CNC. But I can’t see if it’s right there, I have to click View CNC Code and wait a lot of seconds (Isn’t it already generated before? Otherwise the button text is confusing) to discover it ignored my settings and it’s 0.0315 per pass, so 6 passes instead of 4.

Thank you for mantaining this great tool.

Comments (19)

  1. Alberto reporter

    I deleted the whole project and started a new one from scratch and now it took the default value and generated the CNC correctly. It seems somehow the problem was in the project file. I didn’t save it… Sorry.

  2. Alberto reporter

    Same problem again with the new project when trying to generate the CNC of the cutout. It puts in the gcode the old setings I used for the track isolation.

  3. Marius Stanciu

    Hello Alberto,

    In v 8.98 there is a problem when using a locale that use the comma as a decimal separator instead of dot. I did fixed it in the 8.99 (it will be published perhaps in a week or so) but until then try the following advice that I gave to someone else, and see if it’s solving the issue until the real fix will be available to you:

    “For the moment you can change the decimal separator in Windows (although I don't think you'll want to change it but it is worth to mention it) from comma to the dot.
    It is done in Control Panel -> Region -> Additional Setting -> Decimal symbol

    or using the weird new style of Windows 10:
    Settings -> Time & Language -> Region -> Additional date, time & regional settings -> Region -> Additional Settings -> Decimal symbol

  4. Marius Stanciu

    Regarding the:

    “I have to click View CNC Code and wait a lot of seconds (Isn’t it already generated before? Otherwise the button text is confusing)”
    The QPlainTextEdit widget of QT is quite slow in loading data, even if the data is already generated. It is the actual window where you see the text when it is loaded.
    It is a known thing and we have to live with it until the guys that maintain the QT framework will fix (improve) it.

  5. Alberto reporter

    About QPlainTextEdit maybe you can add a button to open with an extenal editor.

    Thank you for fixing the dot/coma issue.

  6. Marius Stanciu

    Please report here if changing from comma to dot as decimals separator fixes the issue you have.

    About the external editor, that is tricky since every computer/OS may have a different text editor set as default. Which may or not work to be launched from command line without having an already saved file. In any case I will look to see if I can find something else to use.

  7. Marius Stanciu

    Actually I just made some changes that dramatically improved the loading of files when doing the View CNC Code (and View Source files).

  8. Owen Duffy

    It seems that if I specify z_cut on the form, it ignores it and used the value from preferences.

    If I use the command cncjob t2e-Edge_Cuts.gbr_ext_iso -z_cut -1.6, it uses the value from the command line.

  9. Marius Stanciu

    Hi Owen,
    Can you change the Cut Z value and after the edit, while the mouse cursor is still in the box press Enter key? Does this solve the issue?

  10. Owen Duffy

    Hi Marius, I am using v8.98. It did exactly that then clicked GENERATE and it still used the value from the preferences and ignored my data entry. This may affect other fields, Z_Move has the same problem.

  11. Owen Duffy

    I ran the commands:

    isolate t2e-F_Cu.gbr -dia 0.5 -iso_type 0
    isolate t2e-Edge_Cuts.gbr -dia 2.0 -iso_type 0

    cncjob t2e-F_Cu.gbr_iso -z_cut -0.05 -spindlespeed 10000 -z_move 2 -feedrate 80 -feedrate_z 40 -dwell 5 -pp grbl_11
    cncjob t2e-Edge_Cuts.gbr_iso -z_cut -1.7 -spindlespeed 5000 -z_move 2 -feedrate 80 -feedrate_z 40 -dwell 5 -pp grbl_11


    They seem to have worked as expected, but if I try to do the same things from the dialogs, the ‘overrides’ I type in do not seem to stick, and for example I get Cut_Z in the dialog of -2.4003mm and I do not know where it comes from, I don’t think it is in the preferences.

    I expected the preferences would provide default figures, and that entries type into the dialogs would override and be retained as part of the ‘object’ in the project file???

  12. Marius Stanciu

    Can you delete the current defaults files and relaunch the App? In Edit → Preferences in the lower part click the Open Pref Folder and delete the files there.

  13. Owen Duffy

    I did that, and opened a project and in the cncjob dialog I changed z_cut and spindlespeed and they did not make it to the gcode. When I return and look at the geometry object, the wanted values are still there.

    I saved the project, closed Flatcam and restarted it and opened the project and Flatcam crashes.

  14. Owen Duffy

    I started with a new project file, opened the same gbr, it seems to work better now. More observation required, but it now seems to use the defaults as defaults for new objects

  15. Marius Stanciu

    Sorry Owen but I don’t understand this:

    More observation required, but it now seems to use the defaults as defaults for new objects

    Are you trying to say that now changing the values in the Object UI is working as it should, meaning that the new values override the default values?

  16. Owen Duffy

    Yes, I think it is working as I would expect. It seems that deleting the defaults files (2) and creating a new project with the existing gbr works well. I assume something in one of the files was corrupted (certainly the old project wound up crashing Flatcam).

    I will get back if issue recurs.

    Thanks Marius… Owen

  17. Marius Stanciu

    I’ve updated the code so it will no longer try to use older versions of preferences files as they are but will update only the parameters that are in the newer version of FlatCAM beta. Fix will be available in beta version 8.99.

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