Documentation for multidepth in cncjob unclear

Issue #340 resolved
Xavier Capaldi created an issue

In the documentation for cncjob, multidepth is described as follows:

[-multidepth <bool>: Use or not multidepth cnccut.]

Myself and other users at my institution were confused and were using -multidepth 0 which of course did not work to disable the option. I’ve since realized with testing that we just needed to omit the multidepth flag entirely. Perhaps you could make this more clear in your documentation for other new users.

Comments (3)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    The bool type in Python has the following possible values: True or False (with capital first letter). When an object is of type bool it can have only those two values.
    Yet, I understand your confusion so I did added the possibility to use 0 or False for the False value and 1 or True for the value of True, for the cncjob and drillcncjob tcl commands (for now). It will be available in the next version 8.99.

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