8.98 SubstractTool not work, do nothing

Issue #344 resolved
Юрий created an issue

not work subctract gerber

not work subctract geometry

in command line empty

after click, substract button do nothing

Comments (10)

  1. Юрий reporter

    this not work too



    i am use this tool to generate freeform paint area

  2. Marius Stanciu

    There was someone reporting an issue with this FlatCAM tool and I did fixed it. Perhaps it is the same issue.
    If you have the availability to run FlatCAM beta from sources, I just updated the beta repository with the latest changes. This fix should be in it.
    Otherwise you’ll have to wait until I publish the 8.99 beta installers.

  3. Юрий reporter

    this is result 8.98 ( i am use ncc tool)

    my algorithm in earlier versions

    substruct then paint tool

    and get the same result

  4. Юрий reporter

    I will wait for 8.99

    8.98 have another bug

    not save changed parameters if no pushed enter.

    for example i am change Travel_z if not push enter but select another parametr by mouse it not save (when click create cnc job)

  5. Marius Stanciu

    Yes, I know about this issue, it is fixed already. Once the translations are finished I will build 8.99. But since nobody is stepping in to help with Spanish, French and German it may take a while to finish it (using simple Google Translate and copy paste, yet it takes a lot of time ….).

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