Problems saving

Issue #350 resolved
Owen Duffy created an issue


I encountered an error trying to “save as”.

I then tried saving from the command line, it worked, but note that recall keeps doubling the slashes.

Then I tried saving from the menu, same failure.

FlatCAM 8.99 - Type >help< to get started
[ERROR_NOTCL] The object is used by another application.
[ERROR_NOTCL] The object is used by another application.
> save_project t5
[success] Project saved to: t5
> save_project D:\\project\\rfct01\\t6
[success] Project saved to: D:\project\rfct01\t6
> save_project D:\\\\project\\\\rfct01\\\\t6.FlatPrj 
[success] Project saved to: D:\\project\\rfct01\\t6.FlatPrj
[ERROR_NOTCL] The object is used by another application.

Comments (4)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Hi Owen,

    Thanks for the report, it’s already fixed in the latest commit on the Beta branch. Someone else reported it today on the Discussions forum on and I fixed it.

  2. Owen Duffy reporter

    Did I mention that I have lost lots of work as a result of silent failures to save. I have discovered that I really need to check that a file of recent timestamp was created.

    I guess this is a low priority fix!

  3. Marius Stanciu

    As always, since we are dealing with a beta version, make sure you check a newer version of beta on simpler projects before trying more a complex one. Everything is in flux and more better is the enemy of better.

    Please understand that I’ve put a lot of time into it and I can’t keep it up. Once I reach v 9.0 it is done and I guess after that will be better, at least there will be no changes to create problems. 🙂

    But I understand you frustration, I would be too. Yet, making software may seem easy from a user perspective. Not so much when you have to deal yourself with the hydra with 1000 of bugs (I mean heads).

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