Tool Dia NOT Added when G Code is Generated

Issue #354 invalid
Ganesh Hexatrik created an issue

Hi There,

Im Using Flat CAM 8.5 and 8.9 both. I have observed that when we generate G CODE, it is NOT adding the Tool Dia to the tracks and Pads. For ex.: if my Track width is 0.5mm and my tool is V-Bit@30° and tip width is 0.2mm selected and Z cut is 0.1mm selected.

But when I take the G-Code to C-Code GRBL tools and engrave PCB, the tracks engraved are only 0.3mm. Same way, 1mm tracks are engraved as 0.8mm, 1.6mm Pads engraved as 1.4mm and 2.4mm Pads engraved as 2.2mm only. Please guide me how to overcome this with out altering in my Design / Gerber file.

Thanking you.

Comments (2)

  1. Marius Stanciu


    The Tool Dia you see in FlatCAM is the actual cut width and FlatCAM will cut at a distance of half that value. If you write in the Tool Dia field that the cut width is 0.2mm then FlatCAM will make a toolpath surrounding the trace at 0.2mm / 2 = 0.1mm.

    For a circular tool the cut width (the value that need to be set in the Tool Dia field) is equal with the actual tool diameter.
    For a V-shape tool, the cut width is more than the tool tip diameter for any cut depth more than zero. The more depth you enter into the material, the more the cut width which translate in lower trace width.
    That’s why in FlatCAM beta I introduced the V-shape Tool Type (in the Geometry Object UI Tool table) which calculate the cut depth depending on the Tool Dia (cut width) selected. In case you want to cut at a certain depth that you want to set, then in this case you need to set those parameters in the Gerber Object UI in the isolation step, where you need to select a V-shape tool and the associated parameters.

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