8.99 Silently fails to create CNCJOB

Issue #355 resolved
Owen Duffy created an issue

Command line “cncjob” works, but note of the values stored in the geometry tab are used.

Comments (11)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Owen can you please be more clear on what exactly are you reporting?
    Tcl commands have nothing to do with the GUI, they have their own parameters that need to be used.

    Where do you see the failure?

  2. Owen Duffy reporter

    As the screenshot console log shows, I opened Flatcam, opened an existing project (which I had to save with the TCL command as GUI save is borked), clicked the Generate CNCjob Object button and it is silent (no popups, no console messages) and no object is created.

    I have found many glitches which are mostly solved by deleting the project file, starting a new project and building it all again and producing the nc files… as if the project files are corrupt.

  3. Marius Stanciu

    Well, my priority is to improve things and keeping the compatibility with older versions is only secondary. Therefore, it is likely that project files or project config files saved from previous versions of FlatCAM beta will not be opened correctly in the newer versions of FlatCAM beta. Especially since there may be new features in the newer versions.
    It’s not easy to make software and it already eats too much of my free time, there is no more to allocate for verification’s or compatibility checks.

    My advice is to always use a project with the Beta version that produced it.

  4. Owen Duffy reporter

    I AM using 8.99 for all files, I have deleted all saved projects from prior version…. the problem reported here is a project created with 8.99.

  5. Owen Duffy reporter

    The attachment was made from the ground up this morning and nc files generated and saved. I saved the project from the command line.

    When I reopen it, I cannot remake the CNC Object, the button silently fails.

  6. Marius Stanciu

    OK, I saw where the problem is and solved it. For now, you can solve it by adding a comma in Edit → Preferences → Geometry → Geometry General → Tools → Tool dia field.
    Save the preferences.

    Instead of the default value of:
    See the last comma added.

  7. Owen Duffy reporter

    OK, that helps. I opened a test file from this morning, deleted all CNCobjects and could remake all that were not from a panelized geometry. I redid the panelize, and it seems I can make and rerun make CNCobject on them from the button.

    Looks good on a limited test.

    Thanks again… Owen.

  8. Owen Duffy reporter

    Ah… it seems to work around… but I cannot rerun CNCobject button on a panelized geometry item, I need to recreate the panelized geo.

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