v8.99 panelization problem

Issue #357 resolved
Owen Duffy created an issue

I have two gbr from Kicad.

I successfully panelised the edge cuts.

I then tried to panelise the copper:

Generating panel... Spawning copies: 2
[ERROR_NOTCL] An internal error has ocurred. See shell.
Object (geometry) failed because: 'geometry' 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\1.DEV\FlatCAM_beta\FlatCAMApp.py", line 4159, in new_object
  File "D:\1.DEV\FlatCAM_beta\flatcamTools\ToolPanelize.py", line 623, in job_init_geometry
KeyError: 'geometry'

[success] Panel created successfully.
[success] Panel done...

… and although it says it completed successfully, it did NOT create the geo object.

Comments (3)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Merry Christmas!

    The problem is valid but has nothing to do with the Panelization Tool. The issue is in the Gerber parser who does not take into consideration if an Gerber region has an aperture defined. That means that the Gerber regions are rendered a little bit smaller than actual geometry (half the size of the aperture). The amount is not big because usually the regions are drawn with a very small aperture but still, it’s an error. In your Gerber case the error was of about 50 microns.

    I’ve fixed this issue and it will be available in the next release 8.991 (which will be made really soon as it is a maintenance release, it brings only fixes and improvements).

  2. Owen Duffy reporter

    Thank you, and seasons greetings to you and yours Marius.

    Ok, thanks for the good work.


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