compiling for Windows

Issue #362 closed
Gabriel Nacano Pedroso created an issue


I am currently modifying FlatCAM to work with my CNC, and i wanted to compile my FlatCAM source, BUT, it always crashes when i try to run my compiled version..
So i am here, asking kindly, can anyone show how the original FlatCAM source is compiled for Windows? like a tutorial, or just some tips..

PS: my test are currently using FlatCam 8.9 Beta

Comments (2)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Please submit the changes that you want to be included in FlatCAM and I will try to include them and make them available in the next version. This way everybody will have access to them.

  2. Marius Stanciu

    The required modifications can be included in the FlatCAM beta and therefore shared with everyone.

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