Unable to load Gerber file

Issue #371 resolved
Zulfqar Ali created an issue

Just upgraded from version 8.99 to 8.991 since I could not save project file. But in version 8.991 I can’t open a gerber file at all, see console dump:

Tried to restart application and totally uninstall and new install didn’t help either.

Hope I am doing something wrong.

FlatCAM 8.991 - Type >help< to get started

[WARNING_NOTCL] Found old default preferences files. Please reboot the application to update.

Gerber processing. Parsing 7373 lines.

[ERROR] Gerber Parser ERROR

Gerber Line #1412 Gerber Line Content: G37*


[ERROR_NOTCL] Object is not Gerber file or empty. Aborting object creation.

[ERROR_NOTCL] Open Gerber failed. Probable not a Gerber file.

[WARNING_NOTCL] Preferences edited but not saved.

[success] Imported Defaults from: C:/Users/zal/AppData/Roaming/FlatCAM/preferences_20200112_215548.FlatConfig

[success] Preferences saved.

Gerber processing. Parsing 7373 lines.

[ERROR] Gerber Parser ERROR

Gerber Line #1412 Gerber Line Content: G37*


[ERROR_NOTCL] Object is not Gerber file or empty. Aborting object creation.

[ERROR_NOTCL] Open Gerber failed. Probable not a Gerber file.

Gerber processing. Parsing 4712 lines.

[ERROR] Gerber Parser ERROR

Gerber Line #878 Gerber Line Content: G37*


[ERROR_NOTCL] Object is not Gerber file or empty. Aborting object creation.

[ERROR_NOTCL] Open Gerber failed. Probable not a Gerber file.

Comments (11)

  1. Zulfqar Ali reporter

    Hi Marius,

    Please find the attached gerber files. .Top and .Bot are not readable but .drl and .outline are loading and ploting fine

  2. Zulfqar Ali reporter

    Hi again,

    .Top and .Bot are not readable but .drl and .outline are loading and ploting fine

  3. Marius Stanciu

    It was a simple thing to solve once I saw where it is the issue.
    I made some changes recently and that was creating the problem.

    Sometime I feel like at circus juggling balls, you change things here you break them there … Besides that was important since I own a license of Circuit Studio and it will not do to not be able to load the Gerber’s for it.

  4. Zulfqar Ali reporter

    Hi Marius,

    That was a quick, juggling balls is like story of my life :)

    Thanks, I will wait for 8.992 release .



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