Support QHD

Issue #375 resolved
Cosimo Marzolla created an issue

I point out that on the screens with QHD resolution some parts of the program are displayed in an almost illegible tiny way

Comments (3)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Are you referring to the Pro…, Sele… texts?
    Sorry I don’t have a 4K monitor available (I use 2K and everything is OK). I think that you may need to modify the DPI back to a more reasonable value, it seems that you made it too high. You can also try to change the FlatCAM Style in Eidt → Preferences → GUI Preferences.

  2. Marius Stanciu

    I’ve updated FlatCAM beta to use PyQt 5.14.2 which is the latest version at the moment. That should solve the issue coupled with setting the parameter Activate HDPI Support in Edit → Preferences → GUI Preferences followed Saving settings and by a reboot of FlatCAM.

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