Join geometry issue

Issue #380 resolved
Renzo Mischianti created an issue


when we are going to join geometry (I usually test this with 4 geometry) and than generate GCode, GCode is not generated for all.

Thanks RM

Comments (5)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Hi Renzo,
    What version of FlatCAM are you using?
    What kind of geometries are you trying to merge?

    Best regards,

  2. Renzo Mischianti reporter

    Hi I attach,

    a sample file contain a lot of silkscreen geometry, I try to group all silkscreen with _ and from generated silkscreen if I ask to generate gcode It generate also a minimal part of It.

    Thanks Renzo

  3. Marius Stanciu

    Very good Renzo, good idea to send me the project file because with the help of it I could solve this bug that raised it’s “hydra head” only in a specific scenario (when multiple tools in the merged object had the same tool diameter).
    I also solved some other issue regarding the name of the Combo object and regarding if one wants to generate GCode out of only one tool from the merged object.

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