v8.991 NCC area selection update

Issue #382 resolved
Vladimir Ivanov created an issue

To significantly reduce milling time for the very complex pcb areas the area selection of the NCC tool could be updated to support not only rectangular shapes but also polygonal one. However, in some cases rectangular area options can work more quickly under the user control. Therefore, both options are useful.

Simplify, we can add check box ‘Polygonal shape selection’ for the polygonal shapes and rename existing one from ‘Area selection’ to the somesing like ‘Rectangular shape selection’. But PCB can contain sertain areas (rectangular and polygonal) therefore we need to select the selection method on the fly. Fortunately, it can be done by mouse left button: single click for place vertex, click and drag to start place rectangular shape…

Also please, check: when cnc jobs output from v8.991 by the right mouse click on the file (project tree, command Save) the file plotting status corrupted (always switched to ON). It could be fixed.

Comments (5)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Also please, check: when cnc jobs output from v8.991 by the right mouse click on the file (project tree, command Save) the file plotting status corrupted (always switched to ON). It could be fixed.


    I don’t understand, could you please clarify? Thanks!

  2. Marius Stanciu

    Hi @{557058:77c0e410-f506-406c-b7b2-24054bad3f28}

    I assume that since you did not answer regarding the second issue (which should have been posted in it’s own) it was not repeatable. If you still have the issue please open a new issue because I am going to close this one. Thanks.

  3. Marius Stanciu

    Feature added in the working copy and it will be available on version 8.992. For NCC Tool and for Paint Tool.

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