Delete command asking me permissions

Issue #388 resolved
Leandro Heck created an issue

Using version 8.991 with tcl script. The delete command is asking me if I really want to delete the name (how do you call it? view? file?)

I am using it like:

delete board-Edge_Cuts.iso

It will be nice to have some kind of flag to avoid asking me for permission. I would suggest -f (to force, like in bash/zsh shells.

Comments (4)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    To completely disable the confirmation message use the following command:

    set_sys global_delete_confirmation False

    or simply change it in the GUI: Edit → Preferences → General → APP Settings → Delete object confirmation

  2. Marius Stanciu

    Ok. Added also the -f parameter but it needs to be used after the name of the file that is to be deleted. Something like:

    delete board-Edge_Cuts.iso -f

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