Dark Theme is not being used.

Issue #390 resolved
Leandro Heck created an issue

I am using a dark OS theme. Flatcam v8.991 is not using it, maybe it does not support yet. The Light/Dark theme selector in `UI Preferences` seems to be doing nothing. I thought that it should basically inherit what the OS they is using without much extra effort from the code perspective.

Comments (10)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    The Light/Dark theme selector will apply the theme on the canvas (canvas color, grid color, mouse pointer color).

  2. Leandro Heck reporter

    Ok, so, how to use the System Theme by default? I saw a user with a dark theme by default.

  3. Marius Stanciu

    I think that it may be something specific to the used packages (some specific package versions). It doesn’t have to do with FlatCAM directly, at least I did not do anything in that direction. Try to use PyQt5.12 and see if this solve the issue.

  4. Leandro Heck reporter

    Totally, it is a config of the system, but I believe something must be enabled in the software. The plugin was missing for me, thanks for the reference.

    Look what has happened. VLC was set correctly while Flatcam still looks something pale from another planet. So it is still the same, this is why I believe something should be enabled in the software.

    Off-topic, Virtualbox is doing some custom things like font colors internally, so it is unreadable now.

  5. Marius Stanciu

    This is a whole different thing. I know this post, I even tried all the solutions offered there at some point but we are talking about different things.

    What we talk here is about FlatCAM inheriting from the OS theme while the link you posted talk about adding a dark theme to an app. Suffice to say that creating a dark theme for FlatCAM is no easy task (I already looked into it) and I don’t think that the time spent is justified by the outcome, at least not for me.
    If you want to give it a try it will be nice to have. But make sure that it is optional, meaning that it has to be easy to be disabled. A hint is that you will have to style all the widgets used by FlatCAM and the breeze theme is not the good looking.

  6. Leandro Heck reporter

    Sure, you are right. This is not an easy task and does not add much functionality.

    If I have an idea I will give it a try then.

  7. Marius Stanciu

    GTK2 theme will be available in Linux after installing the qt5-style-plugins.

    By selecting this Style in Edit → Preferences → General → GUI Preferences → Style the app can inherit the Dark Theme from Linux OS.I’ve added this package in the setup_ubuntu.sh file.

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