Incorrect geometry between pads

Issue #408 resolved
Andrej K created an issue

Comments (5)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    From the point of view of the application it is correct, the app just could not isolate the pads there with the provided tool. Without the actual Gerber file all I can say is that most likely the footprint has a different distance between those pads as opposed to the other. Even if the difference is 0.0000000 … 1 less then between the other (with complete isolation). Enough so the tool could not pass between those pads without damaging the pads (the app enforce this).

    From the way those missing isolation’s are distributed, I can see that the person who made the footprint just copy/pasted the line of pads and rotated accordingly, therefore propagating the error.

  2. Marius Stanciu

    Just so you can see it, try to use in FlatCAM a tool with a diameter with the diameter slightly less. Say instead of 0.1mm write 0.09mm or the like.

  3. Andrej K reporter

    My mistake, indeed changing the diameter of the tool fixed it. But the library of the chip seems to be OK. Weird…

    Thanks Marius for your response

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