Copper clearing leaves small un-cleared areas

Issue #41 new
Juan Pablo Caram repo owner created an issue

This is due to the "stop when new polygon's area is zero". See Issue #28.

Also due to sharp corners in polygons and not enough toolpath overlap.

Comments (6)

  1. Juan Pablo Caram reporter

    Added improved algorithm in fe2b4c7 but needs optimization in the G-code creation to be able to start at the end of a segment (reverse segment) if end is closer to current point.

  2. Juan Pablo Caram reporter

    Add way to specify the seed. A point or a line defined in some other geometry object.

  3. Juan Pablo Caram reporter
    1. The seed-based algorithm does not present this problem.
    2. When the standard algorithm reaches its termination condition (new polygon has zero area) paint the remaining area with a different method (seed based?)
    3. Small areas are also left behind due to sharp corners. There must be a relationship of corner angle vs. minimum path overlap. This would allow to detect the affected corners. Then add additional tool paths to correct?
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