Generating CNC job for paint geometry fails because of V bit parameters

Issue #410 resolved
Matthew Goulart created an issue

I am attempting to generate a CNC job for painting a region. Unfortunately, the cnc job fails. Here is the tool and geometry setup:

Comments (4)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    @Matthew Goulart


    This is not a bug. It is a lack of documentation and therefore a misunderstanding of how the application works.
    I kept writing about this many times, but here it is again:

    Most likely you added a Tool from DB that had the tool shape set as V-shape. This disables the Cut Z field because now the Cut Z is calculated from other parameters:

    • Tool Dia (Dia column in the Tool Table) which is the cut width
    • V-tip Dia = is the diameter at the tip of the V-Shape Tool
    • V-tip Angle = angle at the tip of the V-shape Tool

    So that is the reason for the field disabled.
    The value in the disabled Cut Z field is the calculated value. Whatever it is.
    Now, if the Tool Dia from the Tool Table is let's say 0.1 and V-tip dia is 0.1 it stand to reason that the Cut Z calculated value is 0.0
    Because the app will calculate the Cut Z so the tool (v-shape) will cut at the set cut width (Dia column in Tool Table).
    So, since your minimum cut for the tool is 0.1 (the V-tip diameter) and since the desired tool cut width is 0.1 and since the more the tool enter into material the more is the cut width (the V-tip has an angle of more than 0 degrees that's why it is called V-shape) then the app will calculate (using mathematical formula) that the cut depth (Cut Z) parameter is 0.

    I've added a tool-tip that changes with the state (disabled or not) of this field, and explain this in few words. Shortly said, this isn't a bug but expected behavior.


  2. Marius Stanciu

    Not a bug. It is expected behavior due of the shape of the tool (V-shape) and the values of the parameters that calculates the Cut Z parameter.

    The error tell you what happened. A bad combination of parameters, in this case: V-tip Dia = Dia (from Tool table).

  3. Matthew Goulart reporter

    A suggestion: Perhaps it would be more clear to disable “Tool Dia” if the “Tool Shape” is set to “V” since it would be calculated from “V-Dia” and “Cut Z”. I don’t think it makes sense to allow the user to input a combination of variables that would result in no cut.

  4. Marius Stanciu

    Cut Z is the parameter that is calculated from Tool Diameter (cut width) and V-tip Dia and V-tip Angle. That’s because sometime you set the Tool diameter in Gerber Object UI as an isolation width and that need to be obeyed in order to keep the copper features (pads etc) at the designed dimensions. And the output of Isolation is a Geometry Object where the Tool Diameter has to stay as it is.

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