Problem with Cut Z

Issue #421 resolved
Jakub Gert created an issue

I have a problem with “Cut z” parameter.

It doesn’t matter what value I will set in the field “Cut Z” in Geometry Object panel. It’s always taken from the default value (Preferences/Geometry/Geometry options/Create CNC job/Cut z) for created CNC job.

I’m running app from git checkout cb846cc3dbb268fbb45872907a751c61f5e1ad2f (Beta branch).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Run app (I tried also with “restore defaults”)
  2. Open gerber file
  3. Create isolation Geometry (with default values)
  4. Change in the new created Geometry Object Cut z from -2.4 to -0.1 (rest parameters leave as is)
  5. Create CNCJob object
  6. In the new created CNC Job object select “View CNC Code”
  7. (Z_Cut: -2.4 mm) is set to default instead of -0.1

(Z_Cut: -2.4 mm)
G01 Z-2.4000

Comments (4)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Hi Jakub,

    Usually I work on my own repo until I iron out most of the issues and then I push changes to the Beta branch here on the FlatCAM repo.
    Recently I tried to make more pushes while I worked due of the fact that some people wanted to help. But that put me out of my programming habits. I don’t care much about bugs as long as they do not impede my work until I approach the release when I do make a bit of checks and then rely on the users contributing by reporting them and so on.
    Yet, my pushing of the changes made, pushed also those breaking changes (incomplete modifications).
    And people started to see those issues. I even made a revert on the Beta branch hoping that I will leave it in a (almost) bug free state. It seemed that it was not enough 🙂

    To the point.
    Yes, the issue you reported is valid. Thank you for the effort made to report it.
    It is because of a very simple change in the Geometry UI. A variable (attribute) in the UI class for the Geometry Object was made local by me but it was still accessed as global.

    Due of those small breaking changes I actually decided again not to push changes to this branch until ready for version 8.993 (I shuffled the file names - refactoring too much and may break a current PR by another user that is still being work on, by making this small push - hopefully the contributor will finish it).
    So the fix will not be available for a while.
    Until then, please use the 8.992 source bundle from the Downloads section.

    All the best,

  2. Marius Stanciu

    Thanks Jakub,
    If you find any issue with the current version (right now it is 8.992) please do post it here. And if you have any idea of improvements do mention them. It will help everybody!
    All the best,

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