Z Cut Cannot be Positive

Issue #424 resolved
Zack W created an issue

In version 8.991, I can’t seem to set a Z cut to a positive value. This would be really nice for a lot of reasons, specifically on the machine I’m using it’s nigh on impossible to re-home the Z axis.

Comments (8)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Hi Gector,

    First: you are using an older version: current version is 8.992.
    Second: even if you are using beta v 8.991 you still have the machinist_setting which when checked will allow what you want.
    (In the following picture I use my working version of FlatCAM but the setting is in the same place in 8.991 and some versions before too).

  2. Zack W reporter

    Ah, that’d do it.

    Tangentially, what version of svg.path is supposed to be used? I have to remove an import in flatcamParsers/ParseSVG.py when using svg.path v4.0.2. Oddly enough those classes do seem to be present in path.py. [This applies to both 0.991 and 0.992 for me.]

  3. Marius Stanciu

    …>= 4.0 should be OK.

    It seems to me as some errors in the packaging, I assume you are using the beta in a Unix-like environment where I’ve seen the issue appear.
    You could try to build the package yourself from the sources.

  4. Zack W reporter

    I will build the package from source and let you know. I don’t know why it’s acting up, seems like it should be fine.

    Still in 8.991 (I need working gcode generation); Enabling Unsafe Machinist settings and setting a tool to have a positve Z cut height still generates GCode with a negative cut height. Is this fixed in 8.992?

  5. Zack W reporter

    Of course, sorry.

    The lack of positive Z vibes seems to be fixed in the beta branch.

    Having built svg.path from https://github.com/regebro/svg.path, the issue persists with the import error in versions of svg.path above ~3.1. It looks like Move and Close are automatically imported in svg/path/__init__.py.

    gector@Minotaur ~/D/a/jpcgt-flatcam-64e463cd64fb> pip3 show svg.path
    Name: svg.path
    Version: 4.0.3.dev0
    Summary: SVG path objects and parser
    Home-page: https://github.com/regebro/svg.path
    Author: Lennart Regebro
    Author-email: regebro@gmail.com
    License: MIT
    Location: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/svg.path-4.0.3.dev0-py3.6.egg

    The solution may be to remove the following lines from appParsers/ParseSVG.py

     24 from svg.path.path import Move
     25 from svg.path.path import Close

    Hopefully solving this error:

    gector@Minotaur ~/D/a/jpcgt-flatcam-64e463cd64fb> python3.6 FlatCAM.py -v
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "FlatCAM.py", line 6, in <module>
        from app_Main import App
      File "/home/gector/Downloads/apps/jpcgt-flatcam-64e463cd64fb/app_Main.py", line 51, in <module>
        from appDatabase import ToolsDB2
      File "/home/gector/Downloads/apps/jpcgt-flatcam-64e463cd64fb/appDatabase.py", line 4, in <module>
        from camlib import to_dict
      File "/home/gector/Downloads/apps/jpcgt-flatcam-64e463cd64fb/camlib.py", line 53, in <module>
        from appParsers.ParseSVG import *
      File "/home/gector/Downloads/apps/jpcgt-flatcam-64e463cd64fb/appParsers/ParseSVG.py", line 24, in <module>
        from svg.path.path import Move
    ImportError: cannot import name 'Move'

    Or my installation is damaged, it wouldn’t be the first time.

    Hope this helps!

  6. Marius Stanciu

    They may be automatically included but I do not do:
    import svg.path

    I will try to modify the program and use the above and instead of calling Close() will do something like svg.path.Close()

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