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Issue #430 new
Igor Tonkovič created an issue

Hi, i am electronics engineer, I'm impressed with your work, and got some ideas to improve it, how can I join your project,, and gain access to git repo? Your FAQ didn't work, it gives error 101.

Comments (1)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Hello Igor,

    Right now there are two ‘flavors’ of FlatCAM:

    • FlatCAM proper in version 8.5 and for which development is done in the Master branch
    • FlatCAM beta for which development is done in the Beta related branches and for which I am the maintainer.

    In FlatCAM beta I took the development on a somewhat different path than the one it had under FlatCAM 8.5. I basically view the application as a sort of framework on which we build tools (plugins if you like) that do different things.

    Depending on which ‘flavor’ you want to work on, you need to clone the project and then switch to the branch you are interested to work on: master for helping in making FlatCAM 8.6 or to Beta if you are interested in what I am doing (Beta branch).
    After that, you make modifications locally, on your cloned repository and when changes are ready to be merged you do a pull request to the FlatCAM repository and wait for the approval from the maintainer (JP Caram for FlatCAM and me for FlatCAM beta).

    Best regards,

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