tcl commands paint and ncc - fixed for next version

Issue #437 new
Юрий created an issue


paint top_graph_iso -tooldia 0.33 -overlap 62 -margin 0 -method 'standart' -all -outname top_graph_paint

[SUCCESS] Painting with tool diameter = 0.33 started
[ERROR] An internal error has occurred. See shell.
Object (geometry) failed because: 'tools_paintoverlap'

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\1.DEV\FlatCAM_beta\appObjects\", line 131, in new_object
File "D:\1.DEV\FlatCAM_beta\appTools\", line 2514, in gen_paintarea
KeyError: 'tools_paintoverlap'

add or remove arg overlap
Does not help


ncc top_iso -overlap 62 -tooldia 0.33 -method 'standart' -box plata_iso -connect 1 -margin 0 -outname top_ncc

arg -method ‘srandart’ does not work, the lines method works instead

arg margin 0 not work

Comments (14)

  1. Юрий reporter

    8.993 beta

    also have many crashes on win10

    on start, on open file, on isolate on create cnc job

    programm closed withot errors

  2. Marius Stanciu


    Whenever you have issues in a new version: Delete the old Preferences files. Go to Edit → Preferences → Open Pref Folder. Click it and in the opened Explorer, delete all the files and folders in that folder. Reboot the app.
    Starting with the next version I will perform a mandatory wipeout of the older Preferences files. Whoever wants to keep the older Preferences, will have to export them from older version and manually import them on the new version, knowing that the they will most likely have problems.

    Furthermore, the Tcl commands are at the bottom of my priorities because I don’t use them. Changes in the main application may create issues with those commands. For now I am not going to focus on them since I am making big changes in the application. Once I have a stable environment, only then I will focus on the Tcl commands.

    Until then, any reports done in detail are welcomed because they will serve as starting points when I will begin modifying/updating the Tcl commands.

    A good report on a bug require that you provide, step by step, a way to reproduce the issue.

    • If possible provide the Gerber/Excellon file that create the issue
    • Describe the environment under which you work: Operating System, 32bit vs 64bit, run from installer/run from sources
    • What you do to create the issue, the settings you use. Imagine that you need to show me the appearance of the bug. Obviously you will start clicking and modifying the settings. Each action you need to describe because each detail is like a step in a ladder: one step missing and you fall. You can post a small video with a screen capture if you feel that you need to write too much and then make it available to me.

    You use twice the keyword ‘standart’. There is not such a keyword in FlatCAM. Perhaps you wanted to use ‘standard’ which is a FlatCAM keyword.

  3. Юрий reporter

    isolate plata.gbr   -dia 1 -passes 1  -combine True -outname plata_iso
    isolate top_graph.gbr   -dia 0.1 -passes 1  -combine True -outname top_graph_iso
    isolate top.gbr   -dia 0.0 -passes 1  -combine True -outname top_iso
    paint top_graph_iso -tooldia 0.33 -overlap 62 -margin 0 -method 'standard' -all  -outname top_graph_paint
    ncc top_iso -overlap 62 -tooldia 0.33 -method 'standard' -box plata_iso -connect 1 -margin 0 -outname top_ncc

    “standard” instead of “standart” not work too

    without arg ‘method’ also not work

    if 'method' in args:
                method = args['method']
                if method == "standard":
                    method_data = _("Standard")
                elif method == "seed":
                    method_data = _("Seed")
                    method_data = _("Lines")
                method = str(["tools_nccmethod"])
                method_data = method
                if method == _("Standard"):
                    method = "standard"
                elif method == _("Seed"):
                    method = "seed"
                    method = "lines"

    if we have no arg'method' default method load from app.defaults

    my defaults

    but it not work in tcl

  4. Marius Stanciu


    Can you check the latest version and see if we can close this issue? Let me know if FlatCAM beta 8.994 (just released) solves the issue.

  5. Юрий reporter

    add new problem

    ERROR: Unknown parameter: margin
 while executing
"paint top_graph_iso -tooldia 0.33 -overlap 62 -margin 0 -method 'standard' -all -outname top_graph_paint"

    tcl cmd

    isolate plata.gbr   -dia 1 -passes 1  -combine True -outname plata_iso
    isolate top_graph.gbr   -dia 0.1 -passes 1  -combine True -outname top_graph_iso
    isolate top.gbr   -dia 0.0 -passes 1  -combine True -outname top_iso
    paint top_graph_iso -tooldia 0.33 -overlap 62 -margin 0 -method 'standard' -all  -outname top_graph_paint
    ncc top_iso -overlap 62 -tooldia 0.33 -method 'standard' -box plata_iso -connect 1 -margin 0 -outname top_ncc

    and… no problem not resolved

    method “lines” ,instead of “standard“

  6. Marius Stanciu

    For Paint Tcl Command there is no “margin” parameter. Therefore the received error is correct.
    In case you don’t know the parameters or you are in doubt use the command “help command_alias” such as:
    help paint

    Regarding the methods issue I will fix it.

  7. Marius Stanciu

    Ok, the reason was due of introduction of “translated strings” for different languages. Problem solved.

  8. Marius Stanciu

    For NCC Tool you will have available the following methods: standard, seed, lines.
    For Paint Tool you will have available the following methods: standard, seed, lines, laser_lines, combo.
    The exact words are used here. But you will see them when using the help command.

    As usual the changes in the next version, 8.995.

  9. Marius Stanciu

    Probably you did not saw my last edit in the previous post …
    The changes will be available in the next version, 8.995.

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