GRBL complains about comments from GRBL_Laser preprocessor output

Issue #448 resolved
Pavel Melnikov created an issue

When feeding FlatCAM output from GRBL_Laser preprocessor, GRBL complains about line “(Laser Power (Spindle Speed): 1000)”.

It seems that GRBL interprets first closing “)” as an end of a comment, and tries to parse “:1000)” into G-code, which fails.

I believe that the fix would be as easy as changing nested () into something else, e.g. [].

Also, all these information comments could be replaced with to-line-end comments.

Comments (5)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Thanks for the report! I will remove the offending bracket.

    Also, all these information comments could be replaced with to-line-end comments.

    I prefer to keep things as similar as possible and most of the other preprocessors have the MACH3 type of comments.

  2. Marius Stanciu


    Can you check the latest version and see if we can close this issue? Let me know if FlatCAM beta 8.994 (just released) solves the issue.

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