Switch of Graphic Engine does not work

Issue #449 resolved
Andre Spahlinger created an issue

On MacOS it is not possible to change the graphics engine back to 2D. When clicking Legacy (2D) flatcam closes all windows and starts up again with the OpenGL (3D) engine.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Preferences
  2. Under App Preferences / Graphic Engine click Legacy (2D)
  3. start over with 1. 😉

FlatCAM Version: 8.933

MacOS Version: 10.13.6

Comments (4)

  1. Marius Stanciu


    I don’t have access to a MAC computer right now but since the last version I did changed the way that the graphic engine change is processed so the issue might be fixed already. We’ll see that when version 8.994 is published (sometime next month).

    Best regards,

    LE: there is a way to do what you want at the app start-up but I’m not sure if it works in MAC due of the difference in the keys. At least in Windows, when the splash screen is shown if the key CTRL is kept pressed the app will start in 2D mode. Try to use the equivalent key in MacOS (Command/Apple/Pretzel key?).

  2. Andre Spahlinger reporter


    the switch to the 2D engine works even on MacOS, if CMD Key is pressed during spash screen.

    Thanks for the hint.

  3. Marius Stanciu


    Can you check the latest version and see if we can close this issue? Let me know if FlatCAM beta 8.994 (just released) solves the issue.

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