Tools table column not showing properly on Geometry Object (Mac)

Issue #460 new
Paulo Bruckmann created an issue

As you can see it works well on isolation tool:

But it fails on Geometry Object:

Comments (5)

  1. Marius Stanciu


    Can you check the latest version and see if we can close this issue? Let me know if FlatCAM beta 8.994 (just released) solves the issue.
    I insist on this because I want to close all issues that are solved so it is easier to have the current/not-yet-solved issues on the same page and prepare for the next version, 8.995

  2. Paulo Bruckmann reporter

    oops… I’m sorry for the late response, but the bug continues

    commit 415716cffb4954dca3acfd0c5833fe2c83501ed2 (HEAD -> Beta, origin/Beta)
    Merge: c60bed1b f04d8be5
    Author: Marius Stanciu <>
    Date:   Sat Nov 7 07:02:56 2020 +0200
        Merged marius_stanciu/flatcam_beta/Beta into Beta
        Beta 8.994 RELEASE

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