Tools options.

Issue #465 invalid
Anton Hamster created an issue

Hi, I have just installed new 8.994 version and faced problem where i don’t have option to choose CUT Z parameter in ISOLATION TOOL menu. There is no option to set CUT Z param. in NCC TOOL as well. If i click Generate Geometry program will generate geometry object where Cut Z is set to 0. Despite it all i have option Cut Z in Preferences → TOOLS → Isolation Tool Options, but it have no effect on generated geometry. Ask me for more info if required.

Platform: Windows 10 Pro x64

Comments (2)

  1. Marius Stanciu


    This is not a bug but your misunderstanding of the process.

    I know it’s a bit confusing but the only place where the cut depth (Cut Z) parameter is used is in the Geometry Object when you are about to create a CNCJob. Wherever you encounter it in other tools is just so the values are inherited and populated in the resulting Geometry object. The Isolation, NCC, Paint Tools, all are producing as output a Geometry Object which do have as an attribute the Cut Z parameter, but only to be used when the Geometry is turned into GCode.
    After all, the Cut Z is used only in GCode, any 2D geometry do not have Z information.

    When using a V-shape milling bit (a tool in FlatCAM beta marked as V-shape in the Tools Table), understand that due of the geometry of the milling bit tip (which obviously is kind of cone-shaped), the depth of cut (Cut Z) is calculated from the tip diameter, tip angle and how wide the cut should be. Since the cut width (tool diameter in the Tool Table) is a parameter that depend on how close the traces are (you can’t use just any cut width = tool diameter, you have to use one that is smaller than the smallest distance between any two traces), the tip diameter and tip angle are depending on the chose tool, the only parameter that can be changed to get the required cut width is the Cut Z.

    In your case you have a cut width (tool diameter) set of 0.1mm. The v-shape milling bit tip diameter is 0.1mm. You realize that to get a 0.1mm cut width with a 0.1mm tip, the cut depth (Cut Z) is …. zero. Because the tool shape is cone-like, the more it enter into the material the wider the cut depth.
    If you want to have a correct calculated Cut Z with negative value (meaning it enter into the material) you need to either: have a smaller tip diameter of the milling bit (they aren’t any on the market afaik) or choose a wider cut (tool diameter in the Tool Table greater than the tip diameter).

    Right now the app is centered into usage of tools defined in the Tools Database. If you set a tool for say NCC Tool, then choosing a V-shape Tool will do the calculations for you and update the cut width (tool diameter) based on the provided parameters.
    Another possibility is to use the Calculator Tool and calculate the parameters based on what you are trying to do.

    PS: obviously, using a circular tool (C1 … C4) does not have a problem of using a tool diameter of 0.1mm at any cut depth (Cut Z). Being circular it means that it has the same cut width at any Cut Z (cut depth). If you change the tool type in the Tool Table from V to say C1 you’ll see that the Cut Z field will be enabled and will allow you to set whatever value (negative) for the Cut Z (cut depth).

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