Follow command is missing in graphical interface.

Issue #466 resolved
Good Will created an issue


Follow command can be started only from command prompt. Please see screenshot.
I think in one of your releases before, there was “F” letter icon in tool bar.

Thank you

Comments (6)

  1. Marius Stanciu


    No, there was no Follow action in the Tool Bar.

    Right now you can check the Follow in the Geber Properties Tab but is just for show.
    Or, if you need to generate a Follow Geometry which is a kind of Isolation Geometry object, tick the Follow checkbox in the Isolation Tool. It will create an isolation Geometry that will follow the selected/isolated Gerber object.

  2. Marius Stanciu

    But I do acknowledge that this feature is too buried into the Isolation Tool so I'm going to create a new tool specifically for this feature. Kind of simple but it will have its own UI, toolbar button, menu entry.

  3. Marius Stanciu

    Ok, So I’ve added this new Application Tool and more than that I’ve added some new functionality like the ability to make this ‘following’ on a specific area(s).

    It will be available in version 8.995.

  4. Good Will reporter

    new functionality like the ability to make this ‘following’ on a specific area(s).
    That is great! It is useful for milling text located on copper layer. This way you don’t need import text separately on silk layer wich increase possibility writing text over trace and cut them later in milling process.
    Thank you, you’re the best! 🙂

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