8.994 TclCommandPaint.py sends incompatible "method" to ToolPaint.py - fixed for next version

Issue #499 new
Bogusz Jagoda created an issue

Another fix:

TclCommandPaint.py from line 122:

       if 'method' in args:
            method = args['method']
            if method == "standard":
                method = _("Standard")
            elif method == "seed":
                method = _("Seed")
            elif method == "lines":
                method = _("Lines")
            elif method == "laser_lines":
                method = _("Laser_lines")
                method = _("Combo")

should be :

       if 'method' in args:
            method = args['method']
            if method == "standard":
                method = 0  # _("Standard")
            elif method == "seed":
                method = 1  # _("Seed")
            elif method == "lines":
                method = 2  # _("Lines")
            elif method == "laser_lines":
                method = 3  # _("Laser_lines")
                method = 4  # _("Combo")

because ToolPaint.py is expecting method as method_combobox.get_value(), not as string (as previously implemented).

Sorry to spam issues with this, but I can’t make a pull request on this codebase.

Comments (3)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Yes, you are right, I did made some changes but it seems I missed some spots. My defense is that I don’t use the Tcl commands and usually those are the last I check (if I check them at all 🙂 ).
    Thanks for spotting them!

  2. Bogusz Jagoda reporter

    I’m working on TCL script for full automation of process - two sided board with “v-carved annotations” on copper areas.
    As a script’s input one need to provide path for kicad’s gerber files and that’s basically all, besides some defaults like z-cut depths and alike.

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