Add height map feature for mach3 & linux cnc to improve milling

Issue #516 closed
Tung Bui created an issue

I saw a tool called autoleveller to help create and milling pcb, it is very good, hope one day you could add that feature to the flatcam .


it doesnt no thing change to gcode, but break segments to smaller one, and it using quarand to help solver heigh of any point in the grid and then update every point in the gcode file, because pcb need to split into multiple gcode, so i think heightmap is neccessary, i think you could using delaunay of python to get more smoother break segments


Comments (4)

  1. Marius Stanciu


    In FlatCAM beta it is already halfway done. I don’t know if it will be ready for the next version but sometime in the future it should be added.

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