Milling error detection & prevent creating plot feature

Issue #517 closed
Tung Bui created an issue


I think it’s greater for the dectecting error and notify when creating plot cnc while milling with the big knife or the too small clearance, as the image below, there are serveral islands, which doesn’t allowed in the circuit, so i think it is better if program generate list of error in the project window and prevent generate cnc plot util user resolved all the islands, which milling knife cannot follow it’s ray to the destination point, and highlight it what ever user click on error listing at some where.

I have an idea is generate a very small outline, eg: 0.05mm radius along copper line and check every line create by milling knife’s radius must overlap that small line(they have same the blue color as cnc job) if everything is ok, then there is no error, but i dont know how to handle the corner which knife cannot jump in 🙂, but atleast it can solved straight-line.

another solution is split every line into 1mm segments then generate the delaunay triangle, so every line intersect by 0.05mm knife also intersect with the big knife, but i dont know it is working or not.


Comments (11)

  1. Marius Stanciu


    It is already done in FlatCAM beta 8.994.
    In the Isolation Tool, Advanced Mode (set in Preferences → General tab), you have:

    • Tool Dia field and Optimal button. This is a manual check, it will check if a tool with the diameter in Tool Dia will completely isolate the selected Gerber object.
    • In Common Parameters section, if you check the “Check Validity” checkbox then each time you make an isolation process (clicking generate Geometry) it will warn the user that the used tool (with its diameter from the Tool Table this time) will not generate a complete isolation. It is a warning only and not error (to abort the process) because it may be possible that some users will consider partial isolation acceptable in some use cases. If this warning is not enough and you consider that isolation a waste of time then perhaps it is better to first check manually if the tool will do a complete isolation (first point in this list).

    Best regards,

  2. Marius Stanciu

    BTW, There is also the Optimal Tool (plugin), shortcut key Alt+O, which will find the optimal tool diameter that will allow a complete isolation.

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