[Debian] Running from source requried a couple work arounds.

Issue #545 new
Cody created an issue

Downloaded the source files for FlatCAM_beta_8.994_sources.zip. (Sources in master required pyqt4 and was not convenient in apt or pip)

I ran the setup_ubuntu.sh

The first issue I had was

  File "/home/cody/FlatCAM/FlatCAM.py", line 4, in <module>
    from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v12.0 to v12.8 but the PyQt5.QtWidgets module requires API v12.9

I was able to get around this issue by “sudo apt remove python3-sip” & “pip uninstall sip” and then “pip install PyQt5-sip”

The next issue I had was

  File "/home/cody/FlatCAM/appParsers/ParseDXF.py", line 10, in <module>
    from ezdxf.math.vector import Vector as ezdxf_vector
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ezdxf.math.vector'

using the work around in issue #477 I was able to get to the next step.


  File "/home/cody/FlatCAM/appGUI/VisPyPatches.py", line 32, in apply_patches
    markers._marker_dict['++'] = cross_lines
AttributeError: module 'vispy.visuals.markers' has no attribute '_marker_dict'

sudo pip uninstall vispy and pip install vispy==0.7 from issue issue #538 was able to get that working.

From a debian 11 install, I think the pip repositories may be a better source than some of the apt install python3-xxxx from the script. Also installing some of the pip items with sudo keeps things interesting.

Thank you for a great piece of software. The windows version worked without issue. I am not familiar with building an appimage but they seem to work well for a couple other programs I use. It would be awesome to have an appimage available to avoid the version specific dependencies of python libraries.

Comments (1)

  1. jack9603301

    I also encountered this problem. This is a correct solution. When can the official include it in the document or fix this problem?

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