CncJob Preprocessor GRBL_Laser - fixed for next version

Issue #556 new
max xam created an issue

the Preprocesor GRBL_Laser is terminated with the last command End MoveZ, that goes to lose the previous focusing.

if the Preprocessor is default, the field End Move Z is enabled, in my case I set to -150:

If I select Preprocessor GRBL_Laser the field End Move Z is not visible

G-CODE GENERATED BY FLATCAM vUnstable - - Version Date: 2021/2/7)

(Name: origine.DXF_iso_combined_cnc)
(Type: G-code from Geometry)
(Units: MM)

(Created on Sabato, 22 Gennaio 2022 at 18:15)

(This preprocessor is used with a motion controller loaded with GRBL firmware. )
(It is for the case when it is used together with a LASER connected on the SPINDLE connector.)
(This preprocessor makes no moves on the Z axis it will only move horizontally.)
(The horizontal move is done with G0 - highest possible speed set in the GRBL controller.)
(It assumes a manually focused laser.)
(The laser is started with M3 command and stopped with the M5 command.)

(Feedrate: 100.0 mm/min)
(Steps per circle: 16)
(Preprocessor Geometry: GRBL_laser)

(X range: -0.0625 ... 20.0625 mm)
(Y range: -0.0625 ... 20.0625 mm)

(Laser Power - Spindle Speed: 150.0)





……..last commands




G0 Z-150.00



Comments (4)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    BTW, the GRBL_laser preprocesor it is supposed to not have Z moves so I actually removed the Z move at the end of the job since it was not supposed to happen. Only the GRBL_laser_Z has movements on the Z axis.

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