Cutout multidepth not working - fixed for next version

Issue #559 new
max xam created an issue

After selected the flag for multidepth of 0.6 , to reach -1.8 it make all in one time instead of 3.

G-CODE GENERATED BY FLATCAM vUnstable - - Version Date: 2022/3/1)

(Name: Desolfatore-Edge_Cuts_cutout_cnc)
(Type: G-code from Geometry)
(Units: MM)

(Created on Martedì, 25 Gennaio 2022 at 17:59)

(This preprocessor is used with a motion controller loaded with GRBL firmware.)
(It is configured to be compatible with almost any version of GRBL firmware.)

(Feedrate_XY: 100.0 mm/min)
(Feedrate_Z: 60.0 mm/min)
(Feedrate rapids 1500.0 mm/min)

(Z_Cut: -1.8 mm)
(Z_Move: 2.0 mm)
(Z Start: None mm)
(Z End: 15.0 mm)
(X,Y End: None mm)
(Steps per circle: 16)
(Steps per circle: 16)
(Preprocessor Geometry: GRBL_11)

(X range: -1.1000 ... 75.1141 mm)
(Y range: -1.1000 ... 70.0341 mm)

(Spindle Speed: 150.0 RPM)




G00 Z2.0000

M03 S150.0

G01 F100.00

G00 X-1.1000 Y33.2670
G01 F60.00

G01 Z-1.8000
G01 F100.00


G01 X75.1141 Y68.9341 F100.00

G01 X75.1141 Y35.6670 F100.00

G00 Z2.0000


G00 Z2.0000

G00 Z15.00

Comments (10)

  1. max xam reporter

    Good morning Marius,

    I am trying to use TclCommands cncjob with multidepth of cut out geometry but it seems not working, it’s my mistake :

    cutout cutout_grb -dia $cutout_d -margin 0.1 -gapsize 0.4 -gaps "lr" -outname cutout_geo

    cncjob cutout_geo -dia 1.5 -z_cut -1.8 -z_move 2 -feedrate 100 -feedrate_z 20 dpp -0.6 -startz 50 -endz 50 -endxy 0,0 -pp GRBL_11 -outname cutout_cnc

    (Name: cutout_cnc)
(Type: G-code from Geometry)
(Units: MM)

(Created on Giovedì, 27 Gennaio 2022 at 10:11)

(This preprocessor is used with a motion controller loaded with GRBL firmware.)
(It is configured to be compatible with almost any version of GRBL firmware.)

(Feedrate_XY: 100.0 mm/min)
(Feedrate_Z: 20.0 mm/min)
(Feedrate rapids 1500.0 mm/min)

(Z_Cut: -1.8 mm)
(Z_Move: 2.0 mm)
(Z Start: 50.0 mm)
(Z End: 50.0 mm)
(X,Y End: 0.0000, 0.0000 mm)
(Steps per circle: 16)
(Steps per circle: 16)
(Preprocessor Geometry: GRBL_11)

(X range: -0.8500 ... 74.8641 mm)
(Y range: -0.8500 ... 69.7841 mm)

(Spindle Speed: 150 RPM)





    G01 F100.00

    G00 Z2.0000

    G00 Z50.0000

    M03 S150

    G00 X-0.8500 Y33.5170
G01 F20.00

    G01 Z-1.8000

    G01 F100.00

    G01 X-0.8500 Y-0.8500 F100.00

    G01 X74.8641 Y-0.8500 F100.00

    G01 X74.8641 Y33.5170 F100.00

    G00 Z2.0000

    G00 X74.8641 Y35.4170

    G01 F20.00
G01 Z-1.8000

    G01 F100.00

    G01 X74.8641 Y69.7841 F100.00

    G01 X-0.8500 Y69.7841 F100.00

    G01 X-0.8500 Y35.4170 F100.00

    G00 Z2.0000

    G00 Z2.0000

    G00 Z50.00

    G00 X0.0 Y0.0

  2. Marius Stanciu

    Hi Max,
    In this line:

    cncjob cutout_geo -dia 1.5 -z_cut -1.8 -z_move 2 -feedrate 100 -feedrate_z 20 dpp -0.6 -startz 50 -endz 50 -endxy 0,0 -pp GRBL_11 -outname cutout_cnc

    1. The parameter dpp -0.6 needs a line in front of dpp to make it a parameter. Like this: -dpp -0.6
    2. The -dpp parameter should be a positive value like: -dpp 0.6 but I made it so even when using a negative value the value is converted to positive behind the scene.
    In any case I’ve updated the help cncjob page to show this piece of info.

    Making those changes should fix your problem. Always pay attention to what you are writing when creating Tcl scripts. They are not fool-proofed and any mistake may hang the application or yield a not-so-expected result, like in this case.

  3. max xam reporter

    Hi Marius,

    thaks a lot , it was my mistake…, now it’s working properly.

    Now next step is the drill out, I hope to fix without your help.

    Many thanks.


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