Importing "print to PDF" from different vendors using PDF tools resulted in difference propertly or result

Issue #570 new
Koon Wong created an issue

Hi Marius,

I attached 4 same PDF files here using “printed to PDF” from a PCB layout but different vendors, I noticed these difference Excellon property

  1. Microsoft Print to PDF has 3 times more drills
  2. Foxit pdf failed to be imported
  3. Bullzip pdf looks fine
  4. Pdf24 pdf looks fine

There all ok when viewed with Acrobat Reader .

Comments (3)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Hi @Koon Wong ,

    I know about the limitations for the PDF importing plugin, just like for DXF importing it’s not that easy to add support for all the generating software that is available. In the end it’s a situation of doing the best we can in the context of having multiple versions of the PDF standard.
    I did tried my best and that is the result, now it is time for other interested people to start contributing.
    Sorry if it looks pessimistic but speaking for myself, I don’t intend to work on this plugin anymore. There are other areas of the application where I want to dedicate more time.

  2. Koon Wong reporter

    Microsoft “print to pdf” is popular vendor and for PDF, so that what worry me but there are other options. Some one may raised the same issue if we cannot raise the issue in time may be forgotten. If there is workaround then the issue is not serious anymore but good to be aware of the limitations and fix in future. You’re right not many software maker rather not accept PDF format directly. So it’s working for some vendors PDF that is still very useful function for DIYers.

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