Gerber not plotted: attempt to call an undefined function gluNewTess

Issue #577 resolved
Dima Golovin created an issue

On my setup FlatCAM starts and seems fine, but after I import a simple Gerber, VisPy plot remains empty, the following is printed to the console:

VisPyVisuals.ShapeCollectionVisual.redraw() --> Data error = Attempt to call an undefined function gluNewTess, check for bool(gluNewTess) before calling. Indexes = [0]

How can I debug it and find out what is missing?

Comments (3)

  1. Dima Golovin reporter

    Hi Marius!

    Just fixed it by adding freeglut and glu to pyopengl, so closing the issue.

    I am using my flatpak image, which is published here:

    Would be great if someone could help with testing of the image and checking if it’s any different from versions installed through other ways (it’s using 8.994 beta release).

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