FlatCAM 8.994 BETA crashing on open saved project

Issue #578 new
Dmitriy Zakharkin created an issue


I am working on PCB project and saved the work. Running on Mac Intel with python 3.8.9.

Installed Python packages listed in attached file.

FlatCAM will crashing when I try to open a project previously saved. The project file is attached.

[DEBUG][MainThread] New object with name: copper_bottom.gbr_iso_combined. 0.000235 seconds executing initialize().

[DEBUG][MainThread] FlatCAMObj.GeometryObject.convert_units()

WARNING: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "xxxxxx/FlatCAM/app_Main.py", line 8441, in on_file_openproject


File "xxxxxx/FlatCAM/app_Main.py", line 10614, in open_project

self.app.app_obj.new_object(obj['kind'], obj['options']['name'], obj_init, plot=plot)

File "xxxxxx/FlatCAM/appObjects/AppObject.py", line 185, in new_object


File "xxxxxx/FlatCAM/appObjects/FlatCAMGeometry.py", line 2823, in convert_units


File "xxxxxx/FlatCAM/appObjects/FlatCAMGeometry.py", line 804, in ui_disconnect

for row in range(self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount()):

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'geo_tools_table'

Abort trap: 6

Comments (16)

  1. Marius Stanciu


    It’s possible that you are trying to open a project saved by a previous version. For the time being it’s possible that in such cases, loading a project will not work. I no longer have the required toolchain installed for the 8.994 version, I have moved to using PyQt6 instead of PyQt5 so unfortunately I can’t help.
    More than that, in the next version older projects will not be supported at all.

  2. Dmitriy Zakharkin reporter

    This project is saved and trying to restore with exactly the same code. This is my first project and I have only one FlatCAM installed.

    I am experiencing other crashes and was hoping to load saved project after crashes, but it won’t open it. This is why I mark this report as showstopper since I can’t finish the project and have to start from the start again and again.

  3. Marius Stanciu

    The version 8.994 was released more than a year ago and in the meantime I worked very hard on the next version. A lot of bugs were solved since then and also many parts of the program were improved but unfortunately I still have at least two big things until I can do the release. I actually solved some issues regarding saving/loading the projects in the past few days.

    If you are not bothered of the fact that the Tools Database is not working now and the units changes to inch is also not working you could use my working copy (no installer, you need to run it from sources) but beware there may still be some bugs (please report them if you find some).
    LE: oops, forgot you use a Mac, so in your case you can easily install the required new packages and then run the sources from above. Make sure that you remove first the PyQt5 since they cannot coexist (PyQt5 with PyQt6) due of VisPy module. Or install everything in a virtual environment and run FlatCAM Evo beta from there.

  4. Dmitriy Zakharkin reporter

    Thanks Marius, I will try and report.

    Can take some time as I not fluent with python especially with packages etc. Already had failed to run FlatCAM on Mac M1 :)

  5. Dmitriy Zakharkin reporter

    It was much easy than I thought to get it up and running 🙂

    virtualenv env did the trick and it was running in few minutes.

    The open project didn’t crashed the app, but failed to load any geometry and CNC.

    However, the project units are messed up. The default configuration was in MM. The project was in MM. When project was open, units remain in MM, but values converted to INCH.

    After I changed default units to IN, load the project (MM), the values were connectedly in INCH. Switching units to MM also worked.

    After saving project into different file, I still can’t find combination when units will load properly.

    Any recommendation how to handle units?

  6. Marius Stanciu

    I loaded correctly your project. I don’t know what you do but perhaps you should delete the Preferences files and try again.

  7. Marius Stanciu

    Ok, I’ve looked in the messages and they are relevant 🙂

    [ERROR][MainThread] MenuFileHandlers.open_project() --> Failed to open the CNCJob file: copper_bottom.gbr_iso_combined_cnc. Maybe it is an old project.
    [ERROR][MainThread] MenuFileHandlers.open_project() --> Failed to open the CNCJob file: Alignment Drills_cnc. Maybe it is an old project.
    [ERROR][MainThread] MenuFileHandlers.open_project() --> Failed to open the CNCJob file: drill_1_16.xln_edit_cnc. Maybe it is an old project.
    [ERROR][MainThread] MenuFileHandlers.open_project() --> Failed to open the CNCJob file: copper_bottom.gbr_iso_combined_1_cnc. Maybe it is an old project.

  8. Dmitriy Zakharkin reporter

    I can see similar picture, but when I convert IN to MM it become deformed.

    I created new project from scratch, converted to MM, and saved:

    When I load , I see [mm] in the status bar and IN sizes on plot area.

    If I try convert (pressing Q), and back the one of the Gerber remain unconverted (large rectangular) and the reset converted (see small black box near 0,0):

    Do you always use MM or INCH?

    Do you switch between MM and INCH?

  9. Marius Stanciu


    Unfortunately the unit conversion is not working currently. It is one of the two things I mentioned above which do not let me make a new release.

  10. Marius Stanciu

    Do you always use MM or INCH?

    Do you switch between MM and INCH?

    To the first question: I always use the Metric units but I understand that are people still using the Imperial units so it kind of stays. But I am trying to implement a new way of non-committing switch of units and this is the reason for the issues.

    Second question: not me personally.

    I have just added a new way of loading old projects and tried to implement a compatibility layer but the results are not guaranteed. Use the latest sources and when asked if you agree to load an old project do so but when asked to import the project options do not do it, choose cancel. This way your project will load and it will stay in the default state (which currently works) of using the Metric units.


    For your first project, unfortunately some of the CNCJob objects will have no content at all (those made from isolation Geometries)

  11. Marius Stanciu

    I found that were indeed issues when saving projects that had CNCJob objects inside. I made some changes and hopefully now things work correctly.
    So you need to get the latest sources from my latest commit on my repository.

  12. Dmitriy Zakharkin reporter

    So far is good. You doing a great job!

    Do I report any issues found here?

    How can I indicate that the issue reported against your branch?

  13. Marius Stanciu

    Just make sure that the title mentions the word Beta. And in the description also write that you are using my fork and which commit.

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