No module named 'ortools.constraint_solver.routing_parameters_pb2'

Issue #592 resolved
St Uetz created an issue


I installed Beta 8.994 x64 via the provided installer on Win10 and started working with it - my first time…

The isolation routing seems to work, but when generating the CNC object for the drilling, I get the following error message:

[ERROR] An internal error has occurred. See shell.
Object (cncjob) failed because: No module named 'ortools.constraint_solver.routing_parameters_pb2' 

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "D:\1.DEV\FlatCAM_beta\appObjects\", line 162, in new_object

File "D:\1.DEV\FlatCAM_beta\appTools\", line 1888, in job_init

File "D:\1.DEV\FlatCAM_beta\", line 3269, in excellon_tool_gcode_gen

File "D:\1.DEV\FlatCAM_beta\", line 2989, in optimized_ortools_basic

File "C:\Dev\WPy_64bit_3.8.6.0\python-3.8.6.amd64\lib\site-packages\ortools\constraint_solver\", line 2802, in DefaultRoutingSearchParameters

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ortools.constraint_solver.routing_parameters_pb2'

Comments (5)

  1. Marius Stanciu

    Since you are using the installer it should have every Python module that is needed, including the ortools Python module which your error report shows that you do not have.
    It is possible that maybe your antivirus or who-knows what other software that you have installed is interfering with the detection of this module.
    Try to change the Routing Optimization in the Menu → Edit → Preferences, go to Excellon Tab and change the Path Optimziation parameter value to TSA. Restart the software and try again.

  2. Marius Stanciu

    In any case, I have just tested the default optimization (which is Basic and uses the ortools package) and it works as expected on my Win 10 x6 notebook. So it is something related to your current configuration.

  3. St Uetz reporter

    Hey, thanks for the answer!

    For the people of the futuer having the same issue - indeed it seems that the antivurs software is interfeering with the detection of the Pyhton packages.
    In my case it was Avira Security. Disabling the “System Protection” solved the issue.

    So long…

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