Overcoming Gerber Parse Errors

Issue #607 resolved
Jonathan Wheeler created an issue

Hi all,

Writing this here so that perhaps somebody else will find this error when Googling and save an hour or two.

I was having problems importing Gerber files. FlatCAM would keep complaining about parsing errors, and would say that this file is brobable not Gerber file, and complain about “Gerber Line Context”. After staring at the stack trace, I would see “Could not create geometry because of errors while reading the input” in shapely/geometry/base.py.

What wound up working for me was to downgrade to shapely 1.7.0. I had been using shapely 1.8.2. Perhaps FlatCAM works with a version of shapely between 1.7.0 and 1.8.2, but I didn’t try.

This was tested with 8.993 BETA.

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