Closing after opening drills and attempting to create cnc gcode | Could be windows 11 causing this issue

Issue #618 new
Spencer Bentley created an issue


My flatcam beta 8.994 is crashing when opening a drill file (drill_1_16.xln) and also when trying to create the gcode from geometry/drill file, GTL/TXT files

I’m running the source code within the WinPython environment documented in your YouTube video.

Comments (8)

  1. Spencer Bentley reporter

    Sorry, meant to say it says the geometry is empty for the .GTL layer dispite being able to edit the gerbers and see it on screen

  2. Spencer Bentley reporter

    D’oh, well, the not generating geometry was due to having too large a tool, sorted that, It’s when I click on create CNC Job that it just closes and the last thing in the terminal is :

    [DEBUG][Dummy-4] Creating a CNCJob out of a multi-geometry
    [DEBUG] geometry_tool_gcode_gen()
    [DEBUG] 377 paths
    [DEBUG] Using RTree path optimization.
    [DEBUG] Indexing geometry before generating G-Code...
    [DEBUG] Starting G-Code...
    [WARNING] Number of paths for which to generate GCode: 377

  3. Marius Stanciu

    Hello Spencer,
    Looks like whatever issue you encountered it is already solved in my “cooking pot” version. This will be included in the next released (TBD).

  4. Spencer Bentley reporter

    I just tried it on Win10 and it was fine, must be some weird library conflict with something in Win11 or specifically with my Win11 Developer branch.

  5. Marius Stanciu

    Used packages:
    absl-py 1.3.0
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