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qnTools / Updating QuNeo Firmware with ALSA tools

The QuNeo firmware can be updated on Linux using simple existing ALSA midi tools - one to be exact amidi

Retrieve the latest firmware files from KMI. See this thread Firmware upgrade with Linux? In the KMI forums for the location of the latest files.

The file will be a ZIP archive named typically named and will contain 2 files

  • KMI "bootloader" sysex file - enter_bootloader.syx
  • Firmware file - Quneo_Firmware_vX.X.X.syx Note that the version number of the firmware file will not always exactly match the archive version number..

Before performing update, any software connected to the QuNeo via MIDI will need to be stopped, including alsa->jack bridge software - typically will have to stop alsa midi bridge.

Step 1: Find the ALSA device for your QuNeo


$ amidi --list-devices
Dir Device    Name
IO  hw:3,0,0  Akai MPK61 MIDI 1
IO  hw:3,0,1  Akai MPK61 MIDI 2
I   hw:3,0,2  Akai MPK61 MIDI 3
IO  hw:4,0,0  QUNEO MIDI 1
IO  hw:5,0,0  BCF2000 MIDI 1
IO  hw:5,0,1  BCF2000 MIDI 2
 O  hw:5,0,2  BCF2000 MIDI 3

Select the device for your QuNeo - the hw:X,X,X value and use it as the --port= parameter for the rest of the commands

Step 2: Put QuNeo in "bootloader" mode


$ amidi --send=enter_bootloader.syx --port=hw:4,0,0
Mode button will light solid blue, indicating QuNeo is in Bootloader mode and ready to accept new firmware.

Step 3: Send firmware file


$ amidi --send=Quneo_Firmware_v1.2.24.syx --port=hw:6,0,0
Mode button will flash on and off a few times, then flicker for a while indicating data transfer, then QuNeo will do a "rainbow wipe" like it does on initial start-up to indicate transfer is complete
