CAS Avatar server does not display my avatar in any other product (Stash, Fisheye, Bamboo)

Issue #2 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have a profile picture set up in Confluence (see attach1), but CAS does display the default avatar in all other products.When looking at the browser tools, confluence does show correct avatar (attach2) while bamboo doesn't (attach4), neither does it in Stash (attach5) nor Fisheye. For other users i do not have this issue. We use Confluence 5.7, Bamboo 5.9, Fisheye 3.8.0, Stash 3.10. CAS is correctly configured and working fine for other users. Problem occurred after changing my profile picture in Confluence 5.7 and worked fine in previous versions

Comments (8)

  1. Justin Shapiro repo owner

    It wasn't clear to me how you changed the profile picture. Was it the same method as from the link?

    Also are you able to put the casdebuglist macro on a page? Looks like the email hash is the same in Bamboo and Stash. I'd like to know if the macro shows the same hash.

    Can you verify that the url the tools are using shows the default icon?

    And can you attach the profile picture in question? I promise not to throw darts at it ;)

  2. Chris Verlaine

    Yes i used the method as described in the link, i for sure have same email string, we use Crowd and LDAP user directory in Crowd. the picture is a standard JPG, i already tried with a different picture but get same result. When i use casdebug macro on a page, i get a full user list returned, but mine is not amongst it?? i can attach if we can set some privacy at this issue if possible. That would also hide our company screenshots ;-) which i previously attached. If I enter above URL i get attach6 result, so yes default picture. Strange thing is that casdebug macro does not list my user, and therefor probably defaults to this avatar. Attach6.PNG I have no option to delete my user or any of that kind as this is as said Crowd with company LDAP/AD integration.

  3. Justin Shapiro repo owner

    If you aren't in the list then that is why you get the default icon. That's the list it uses for the translation from hash to user. Do you have many users? Administrative access? You or your admin needs to run the "Populate CAS Map" job.

    Confluence Administration -> Scheduled Jobs

    If you have many users, like thousands, then you may want to wait 'til a non peak hour as someone might complain of a slow request but generally we're talking a couple seconds to populate the list.

    Once it completes, check the list again.

  4. Chris Verlaine

    I am admin, and tried this several times already, i even uninstalled the plugin and restarted from zero. I'm for some reason not added to the CASMAP (as said before on the review page). But anyway, tried it again to be 100% sure and I'm not added to that CASMAP again.

  5. Chris Verlaine

    Ok i found the issue, I have a second internal test user in crowd with same e-mail address assigned to a different userid, as soon as i change that e-mail address to something else, and repopulate the CASMAP, the problem is gone. CASMAP can not deal with 2 userid's with same e-mail address attached.

  6. Justin Shapiro repo owner

    Oh, good. Yes, each hash has to map to a unique user so two users with the same email address will be an issue.

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