Not working behind ssl proxy server

Issue #4 resolved
Niek Neuij created an issue

After moving our environment behind an SSL proxy server, CAS only displays the default grey avatar with the URL:

Comments (5)

  1. Justin Shapiro repo owner

    You can't actually use an email address like that to test it. Cas requires a hash of the email address just like gravatar. Try adding the casdebuglist macro to a page. I know it works behind a proxy because that's how I have run it since I wrote it.


  2. Niek Neuij reporter

    @jshapiro thanks for that. It does work behind a proxy I found out. I tested with another account where it does work. I noticed from your amazing macro that a hash isn't being generated for my account. Is there some way to remedy that?

  3. Justin Shapiro repo owner

    Is it possible your email address is used by multiple accounts? In that scenario cas can't figure out which account to associate the hash with so it can't deliver an avatar.


  4. Niek Neuij reporter

    @jshapiro yes, that's totally what happened :) thanks for your help, and your incredible add-on.

  5. Niek Neuij reporter

    Hash doesn't get generated sometimes when there's two or more accounts with the same e-mail address.

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