Only working for some users in FishEye

Issue #6 closed
Brad Mace created an issue

Don't quite understand this. Works 100% in Jira and Bitbucket, but only for some users in FishEye.

Also, when I try the debugging macro in Confluence, not all users are listed. Any idea why that would be? This seems to correspond to them not working in FishEye, even though they work in the others.

Comments (9)

  1. Brad Mace Account Deactivated reporter

    I’m actually one of the users that avatars aren’t working for in Fisheye, so I know my account works, and I’ve verified I don’t have any other test accounts using the same email. I also don’t show up in the CAS Debugging macro

  2. Brad Mace Account Deactivated reporter

    Well, I thought it was working for me. Tried changing avatar in Confluence though and it hasn’t changed in other systems. The debugging macro is showing images for other people. We’re on Confluence 5.10.5, and 1.2.2 of your plugin.

  3. Justin Shapiro

    maybe try reloading the map

    go to /admin/scheduledjobs/viewscheduledjobs.action

    find 'Populate CAS Map' and run the job.

    gonna take approximately a millisecond per user. I don't know the load. minimal unless you have a lot of users.

    aside from that i'm not sure. i've only seen this behavior when an email is non unique. in that case i can't identify the user so can't deliver an avatar.

  4. Brad Mace Account Deactivated reporter

    Well you were right about dupes. I had checked AD and forced a resync there, but there was an old internal account using my email. Once I changed that and reran the job, I showed up in the debugging macro. FishEye picked up the change right away. Curioiusly Jira and Bitbucket don't seem to have noticed. Not sure how often they check for changed though, or how to force them to refresh.

    Does it matter whether the "Enable Gravatar Support" box is checked in BitBucket?

  5. Brad Mace Account Deactivated reporter

    Inspecting some network traffic in Chrome, it's looking like Jira and Bitbucket will use any locally-defined avatar first, even when the avatar service is enabled. If they find a local one, they never hit the avatar service. Users who chose an avatar before the gravatar service was configured seem to be stuck with it, as there's no way to blank out your profile pic short of directly manipulating the underlying database. Which is unfortunate, but at least seems to explain some of the confusion.

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