Table 'clapf.t_counters' doesn't exist

Issue #15 resolved
Marcel Evenson created an issue

I see this in the maillogs if "update_counters_to_memcached" is enabled:

Mar 25 08:40:24 test clapf[32519]: 400000005512c8e1159327bc0042722846c0: error: mysql_real_query() 'Table 'clapf.t_counters' doesn't exist' (errno: 1146)

It seems that clapf is trying to update tables that aren't included in the latest .sql script ?

Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    It's a typo, thanks for reporting it. Edit src/counter.c, and apply the following patch, then recompile:

    -               snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "UPDATE t_counters SET rcvd=%llu, size=%llu, mynetwork=%llu, ham=%llu, spam=%llu, possible_spam=%llu, unsure=%llu, minefield=%llu, virus=%llu, zombie=%llu, fp=%llu, fn=%llu", c.c_rcvd, c.c_size, c.c_mynetwork, c.c_ham, c.c_spam, c.c_possible_spam, c.c_unsure, c.c_minefield, c.c_virus, c.c_zombie, c.c_fp, c.c_fn);
    +               snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "UPDATE %s SET rcvd=%llu, size=%llu, mynetwork=%llu, ham=%llu, spam=%llu, possible_spam=%llu, unsure=%llu, minefield=%llu, virus=%llu, zombie=%llu, fp=%llu, fn=%llu", SQL_COUNTER_TABLE, c.c_rcvd, c.c_size, c.c_mynetwork, c.c_ham, c.c_spam, c.c_possible_spam, c.c_unsure, c.c_minefield, c.c_virus, c.c_zombie, c.c_fp, c.c_fn);
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