Piler finds only new mails after reboot

Issue #1005 closed
Axel created an issue

Hi all,

I’m using piler since several years without any problems - until today. And as I have no skills to deal with Linux, I need some help.

My configuration:
Piler 1.3.4 Build 994
Ubuntu 14.04 Server as VMWare-VM
The Piler-Archive-Folder ist mounted as /var/piler via NFS to a folder on an external storage-system.

After a powerloss at 8/2/2019, I had to reboot the Piler-server today. After the reboot piler starts as usual, but now I can find only mails starting from the 8/2/2019.

I already searched for “rebuild sphinx-index”, but I am not sure, if this would be the best start to solve this problem.
In addition I don’t understand the steps in this “How To” (http://www.mailpiler.org/wiki/current:recreate-sphinx-data)

Anyone out there who could help a Linux-Dummy like me to solve this?


Comments (6)

  1. Axel reporter

    During reboot sphinx reports “could nor lock file main1….”

    Solved it - I just needed to restart the external NAS where the piler-archive is stored.

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