Web GUI not working on mobile device

Issue #1034 closed
Damian Cikowski created an issue

Piler 1.3.7 installed from piler_1.3.7-bionic-94c54a0_amd64.deb on Ubuntu 18.04.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. open Chrome web browser
  2. navigate to Piler web GUI
  3. open DevTools and start mobile device emulation
  4. refresh page

Actual results:

Page doesn’t load at all. There is only an error:

Error: Could not load template /var/piler/www/view/theme/mobile/templates/login/login.tpl!

Expected results:

Page loads correctly, without any error.

Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I’ve just updated the master branch, please try it. It’s enough to overwrite the /var/piler/www directory. Be sure to update config.php as well!

  2. Damian Cikowski reporter

    I didn’t check master branch yet. I’ve tested on Chrome’s DevTools mobile device emulation only. Will let you know next week.

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