Piler smtp !

Issue #1037 resolved
Piler1312 created an issue

Hi Janos

i 'm working with Piler since a year now on my local network but i have installed the piler server in the cloud (Azure) and everything work great but only the restore process did not work, i did not installed any program for delivery of mail but i think i got piler-smtp working on this server .. so i check in mail.log after a restore proces piler look to try send something but not delivery..

My smarthost is on local piler (127.0.01) port 25 and here the log, i remove my rcpt email in for security

Dec 23 12:59:24 mailpiler piler-webui[98232]: sending mail from=no-reply@mailpiler.abreton.com, rcpt=my email address , status=1
Dec 23 12:59:24 mailpiler piler-smtp[1559]: disconnected from on descriptor 6 (0 active connections)
Dec 23 12:59:24 mailpiler piler[1568]: 0/ZTJTX72X1SL0KJPY: discarding: duplicate message, id: 95, message-id: 1df9400b43494e209cb486fb6c0e3298-JVKUGUBNKBZG6ZBNIJHDE7CPGM3DKTLFONZWCZ3FINSW45DFOJ6E2ZLTONQWOZKDMVXHIZLSIRUWOZLTOR6FG3LUOA======@microsoft.com
Dec 23 12:59:24 mailpiler piler[1568]: 0/ZTJTX72X1SL0KJPY: 400000005e00ba361936856c0089e840acaf, size=116179/0, attachments=0, reference=, message-id=1df9400b43494e209cb486fb6c0e3298-JVKUGUBNKBZG6ZBNIJHDE7CPGM3DKTLFONZWCZ3FINSW45DFOJ6E2ZLTONQWOZKDMVXHIZLSIRUWOZLTOR6FG3LUOA======@microsoft.com, retention=0, folder=0, delay=0.0206, status=duplicate

I’m not sure but i think than the problem is i could not reach a smtp server to send the restore to recipient !!

So maybe let me know also i could use office365 for smarthost to be able to send to our office user !

Thank you !!

Comments (7)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello Piler1312, piler-smtp only receives emails via smtp protocol, it doesn’t act as a smarthost. To the restore feature work you need to set SMARTHOST in config-site.php, and it should point to one of your MX server.

  2. Piler1312 reporter

    Ok thanks Janos, i know than i need to use smarthost but i’m azure cloud and need to use one on my outlook mailserver for smarthost and try few setting without success !!

    probably i need to use specific setting in config-site.php to use outlook mail server with authentication !! Could you let me know with setting should i use to have restore process work !!

    Thank you

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I don’t follow. What’s outlook mail server? Do you refer to office365 smtp servers? Probably it would be the best to install postfix on the archive host, make it listen on (or a different address), and you may use it as a smarthost. Also in this case be sure to fix listen_addr in piler.conf, to prevent conflict between piler-smtp and postfix.

  4. Piler1312 reporter

    Yes Janos, sorry about my wrong explanation …. Yes i talk about office365 smtp server !!! But i was not sure about the use of postfix on local because all new amilpiler  installation begin with removal process of  postfix …  Before this new setup on the cloud I had mailpiler server on my local lan and the smarthost was a local smtp server and everything was ok, that’s why i was looking for the same solution on cloud …

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, the postfix smarthost can be anywhere. It can be on the archive host ( as I mentioned above, or it could be a dedicated virtual machine. I hope you can make it, and we can close this ticket.

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