Old Mails lost/not shown after restart of docker container

Issue #1041 resolved
lui0r created an issue


i create a docker (docker-compose) piler setup with a mariadb and a piler image. After restarting the containers i don’t see any emails.

/var/lib/mysql , /var/piler/sphinx/ and /var/piler/store/ are docker volumes.

I saw the metadata of the mails in metadata table of piler .

I find the File (piler_id) in /var/piler/store/00/……, but pilerget returns nothing.

I checked the sphinx server (mysql -P9306 --protocol=tcp --prompt='sphinxQL> ') and got only empty sets

Any hints?

Thanks & greets

Comments (4)

  1. lui0r reporter

    [UPDATE] After reindex and execute /usr/libexec/piler/indexer.delta.sh and /usr/libexec/piler/indexer.main.sh all emails are visible

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