Deleting emails

Issue #1043 closed
Yousif Alkhateeb created an issue

Hello ,

I’ve installed piler and imported email from my account for a test purposes.

no i need to clean piler and delete all emails.

So I've set the retained values for all emails coming from a specific user

update metadata set retained=1000000000 where 'from'='';

then i ran the pilerpurge script.

the emails were deleted as file but they still appear in the piler GUI but without data.

how can i delete the email so they’re gone from the piler GUI.


Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello. Well, the sphins killlist (klist) suppresses deleted records from sphinx database. As user piler run, then, and the deleted records should disappear from the gui.

  2. Yousif Alkhateeb reporter
    • changed status to open

    Thanks for your reply and sorry for my delay , i ran the and and the records was removed from the GUI, but they still exists in the metadata table in mariadb is that normal ?

  3. Yousif Alkhateeb reporter
    • changed status to open

    Thank you very much for your quick reply everything works fine. but i want to remove the metadata of the removed emails from the database , i have huge number of user with their mailboxes which i will import to piler , but if i needed to remove emails for a specific user if something goes wrong , i don't want the users' metadata to stay in the database .

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, I wouldn’t remove any record from the metadata table. However, if you insist, then remove them for yourself.

  5. Costel Balta-Coman

    Hi Janos,

    it is not clear to me if it is safe to delete records from the metadata table that have 'deleted' = 1 after running pilerpurge and indexer.

    i would like to cleanup that table of about 20 million deleted records (all SPAM …port 25 left open to the world by mistake).

    by the way, congrats for your work. verry nice piece of software!

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